Joliba West African Drum and Dance School

Educational workshops, performance and development

Kora and Storytelling.

The Kora is a beautiful 21 string harp which originates from The Gambia and Senegal, West Africa, it is used to recite stories and songs of ancestors, great events and animals.

These workshops are suitable for nursery and primary school and can be incorporated into a day’s activities or booked as  separate workshops, carefully selected songs and stories of animals will be used to both entertain and inform.

The Kora is created from the Calabash fruit which David will bring with him, along with other examples of how this wonderful fruit is used to make other instruments which the children can then play along with the Kora, David will also teach the children a simple section of a song which the children can then join in to sing.

Solo and David Gambia 2016









This is David and his teacher, Solo Sissoko, studying Kora in The Gambia 2016

Workshops start from £140 for a half day.


This is David performing a Kora song with his band Sissoco.